VLAIS Industrial Group,Founded in 2003,has the registered capital of 10 milliotns.VLAIS is passed three management system certifications,i.e. ISO14001 and ISO28001,The product is gotten UL\CCC\CE\TLC\GS and other international certification and has the qualification of foreign aid project supply of Ministry of Commerce.VLAIS is"Global Purchasing"supplier of the United Nations.VLAIS insists on"Technology first,and talent focused".Now,IT HAS 107CHNICIANS,23 engineers and 10 senior engineers,including 6engineers having doctorate.We have modern assembly workshop to produce diesel generator sets,VLAIS devote itself into researching,manufacturing and installing superb diesel generator sets,power range from 2kva to 4000kva,include silent type,container type,mobile power station,multiple parallel,remote control and so on.As the ideal emergency standby power equipment,diesel generator sets are widely used in industrial and mining enterprises,communication,army,ports,highway,railway,hotels etc places. With the compelling quality and service,VLAIS has built a good reputation with customers in the area of diesel generator sets,our products are exported to over eighty countries and regions,over 40 millions USD in the year 2019.
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